The giant rat falls to the ground with a tortured squeak. The lashworm falls dead at your feet. The filthbug collapses, its legs curling tightly around it. The carrion beast falls to the ground with a yelp, and is still. The acid slime dissolves into a puddle of bluish goo. The orc rogue collapses with a grunt. The kobold thief falls to the ground with a shrill cry. The cave worm collapes with a dull thump. The thug collapses with a groan. The skeleton crumbles into a pile of dust. The zombie collapses without a sound. The guardsman utters a sharp cry, and collapses. The shade vanishes with an eerie wail. The ghoul collapses in a filthy heap. The wight collapses into a broken heap. The orc sentry eyes you evilly, and collapses. The orc lieutenant utters a low growl, and dies. The mercenary dies with an agonized moan. The half-ogre bodyguard falls like a hewn tree. Aiken utters a sharp cry, and dies. Thuluk groans loudly and collapses. Helfgrim clutches his belly, and dies! Colin eyes you hatefully, and falls. Skali growls at you ferociously and dies! Gurbultis collapses like a stuck pig. Lady Sentara wails in agony and drops to the ground! The dark cultist collapses without a sound. The grey spider collapses, its legs curling tightly around it. The mummy's wrapping unravels, revealing nothing but dust. The bounty hunter reaches for you, then dies. The dark cleric collapses in a heap. The dark priest falls to the ground, and is still. The dark paladin falls to the ground with a grunt. The hellhound growls menacingly, and dies. The tentacled abomination collapses in a wet heap. The Sheriff spits up blood and dies! Giovanni curses you with his dying breath! Meia shrieks at you with her dying breath! The dark goblin archer collapses with a spiteful hiss. The bandit eyes you evilly, and dies. The dog yelps loudly, and dies. The forest spider curls up and dies. The giant spider collapses with an evil wail. The dark goblin spits up blood and dies! The kobold slave collapses with a sigh. The black orc falls to the ground with a grunt. The dire wolf utters a low growl, and dies. The slime beast dissolves into a mass of reeking flesh. The half-ogre warrior falls to the ground with a loud thump. Thrag utters a deafening moan, and collapses. The minotaur champion charges after you! The giant black ooze dissolves. The death dog growls softly, and dies. The skeletal warrior falters, then collapses in a heap. The spirit gasps loudly, sighs, and disappears. The huge tiger beetle drops to the ground, its shell split. The guardian golem collapses, shattering into a thousand shards. The mimic topples to the ground, broken. The warlock mercenary attempts one last spell, but dies! The giant bat squeaks loudly, and falls to the ground! The gelatinous cube dissolves into a sloppy puddle. The zombie collapses in a broken heap. The cave bear falls to the ground with a grunt! The troll spits up some black blood, and dies! The salamander falls to the ground, its flame extinguished! The ogre topples to the ground, shaking the room! The young girl frowns, and vanishes. The owlbear falls to the ground with a heavy thump. The fire elemental dissipates! The frost serpent curls up and dies. The two-headed hydra collapses with a bellowing groan. The roc hatchling lets out a squeal, and is dead. Her illusion shattered, the ice sorceress falls as an old hag! The stone golem crumbles into a pile of broken shards! The minotaur falls dead with an agonized bellow! The giant snake hisses loudly, and dies. The minotaur chieftain curses at you spitefully, and dies! The vampire rosebush is destroyed in a flurry of leaves. The archer bush breaks and falls apart. The animated tree cracks, falling to the ground with a deafening thump. The carnivorous plant falls in a ruined heap. The wood golem explodes and falls into a pile of splinters. The earth elemental quivers, and crumbles into a pile of dirt. The dark druid utters a low groan, and collapses. The high druid collapses with a furious cry! The black orc captain falls, spitting up dark blood! The black orc shaman collapses with a gutteral cry! The dark goblin warlock collapses with a shrill cry! The slave-master topples to the ground with an indignant cry! The werewolf growls loudly, and falls, reverting to his human form! The healer disappears in a flash! The mad wizard looks confused, and dies! Jorah lets out a mighty roar before entering a portal and vanishing! The cyclops topples to the ground, and explodes in greenish fire! The violet spore collapses in on itself. The black tree collapses in a billowing cloud of spores! The toad croaks in agony, and collapses wetly. The shambling mound falls to pieces! The winged horror utters a shrill cry, and falls to its death! The serpent hisses, and dies. The giant ant collapses, its shell cracked and oozing! The spider screeches madly, and dies! The serpentkin hunter eyes you evilly, and dies. The dark warrior dies with a moan! The dark warlock tries to cast one last spell, but dies. The dark assassin spits up blood and dies! The dark mage tries to cast one last spell, but dies! The elite guard clutches at you, spits up blood, and dies! The guard captain growls at you menacingly, and collapses! The mutant sighs softy, and dies! The obsidian demon's broken shards evaporate in a puff of smoke! The magma man pulsates, and dissolves into a puddle! The flame elemental utters an eerie wail, and dissipates! The fire bat explodes in flame! The greater hellhound collapses with a wail! The pyro jelly quivers, and dissolves! The serpentkin warrior hisses loudly, and dies! The serpentkin shaman tries one last spell, but dies! The serpentkin chieftain hisses loudly, and dies! The serpentkin witchdoctor hisses evilly, and dies! The glowing worm curls up and dies! The crystal spider shatters into a thousand shards! The glittering ooze solidifies and breaks into pieces! The wounded worker lets out a loud cry, and dies! The dark bishop utters an agonized howl, and is consumed in black flame! The alchemist spits up blood, and dies! The dark wizard utters a loud cry, and disintegrates! The prisoner moans softly, and dies. The master assassin eyes you evilly, and vanishes through a wall! The massive chest crumbles into shards, revealing its contents. A greater hellion bursts forth from the vortex of flames! The hellish creature roars in fury, and explodes in a shower of flame! The baby dragon squeals piercingly, and collapses! The young dragon roars in fury, and collapses with a crash! The adolescent dragon belches its last flame before dying. The adult she-dragon utters a heart-wrenching roar, and explodes in flame! The aged titan frowns darkly, and vanishes! Sensing itself near death the bird flies off! The monster explodes showering you with severed arms and gore! Kotar bows in your direction and slips into the shadows. The dragon hatchling hisses loudly, and falls dead! The dark-elf takes one last swing at you, and dies with a growl. With a flash of light, the holy person vanishes. The roc lets out a high pitched scream, and falls to the floor, lifeless. The nomadic tribesman stares you down, and dies. The grey wolf growls savagely, then dies. The grey guardian wolf utters a low growl, and dies. The nomadic hunter looks at you evilly, and dies. The large yeti collapses with a deafening howl. The nomadic chieftain utters a blood-curdling yell, and dies! The ice golem collapses and shatters into hundreds of icy shards. The assassin swings at you one last time before vanishing. The lich cackles at you, and takes spirit form! With a hideous shriek the demoness dies, turning to ash! The elite orc guard spits up blood, and dies! The orc warleader eyes you evilly, and spits at your feet as he falls! The displacer beast growls loudly, and collapses! The manticore utters a deafening bellow, and dies! The gargoyle reaches for you, then disintegrates into dust! The gorgon utters a low bellow, and falls to the ground! The harpy lets out a bloodcurdling screech, and plummets to the ground! The gnoll scout lets out a sharp cry, and falls dead! The gnoll axeman drops his weapon, throws up blood, and collapses! The centaur slumps forward with a moan, and dies! The brigand gasps loudly, clutches its chest, and dies! The dark monk bursts into black flame, and vanishes! The ankheg curles up and dies, its body fluids leaking badly. The bombardier beetle dies in a cloud of reddish vapour! The carrion crawler collapes, spouting blackish ichor. The umber hulk lets out a high-pitched sound, and collapses! The mermex utters a piercing squeal, and breaks open! The woman shrieks for aid and slips to the ground. The silvery skull explodes in a shower of sparks! The hideous mermex queen shrieks, and collapses in a fountain of gore! The cocoon bursts with a disgusting wet pop, spraying white pus all over! The royal soldier clutches his gut, and dies! Commander Markus eyes you bitterly, spits up blood, and dies! The barmaid lets out a loud yell, and dies! The shopkeeper utters one last pathetic whine, and dies. The thief cries a bit, then collapses in a pathetic heap. The greedy healer clutches at his purse, and collapses! The grizzled trainer laughs as if he doesn't care, then dies. The huge dwarven witchunter eyes you evilly, and dies! The depraved murderer laugh maniacally, and coughs up blood! The crazed lunatic hugs his dead cat, and dies. The lizard hisses one last time, and spits up venom! The vampire bat utters a heart-wrenching shriek, and falls dead! The silverfish struggles violently for a moment, then dies. The dragonfish begins to steam and bubble, and explodes! The water elemental dissipates in a swirling vortex. The night hag utters a shrill curse, and vanishes in a puff of smoke! The quickling drops to the ground clutching its wounds. The imp squeals loudly, and disappears in a flash of flame! The bloodbear utters a deafening howl, and collapses! The killer bee falls to the ground, lifeless and oozing. The huorn groans loudly, and smashes to the ground! The pixie squeaks loudly, and vanishes! The leprechaun chuckles softly, and vanishes. The grizzly bear moans in pain, and dies. The ancient willow splits open with a deafening crack! The quickling lord shrieks in fury, and dies in a paroxysm of pain! The faerie utters a shrill cry, and disappears in a cloud of faerie dust! The treant lets out a resounding moan, and collapses with a crash! The unicorn whinnies loudly, and collapses! The woodelf collapses with a groan. The woodelf utters a sharp cry, and dies. The woodelf dies with a sharp cry. The woodelf guard yells loudly, then collapses with a clatter! The woodelf lord eyes you pitiously, and dies. The dog howls rabidly, and dies with a shudder. The hobgoblin glares at you in hate, and spits up blood. The half-ogre guard yells for aid, then dies clutching his gut! The ogre roars in pain, and topples to the ground! The ogre-mage tries to cast one more spell, but shrieks and dies! The dragon serpent lets out a long hiss, and dies choking. The lamia wails loudly, and falls dead! The twisted one seems almost to smile, and falls dead. The gibbering horror's lumpy body splits open grotesquely. The ghost sighs in relief, and vanishes. The crimson mist suddenly solidifies and vanishes in a shower of blood! The shadowraith splinters, and dissolves into the shadows. Goru-Nezar holds up his staff, shrieks, and explodes with a blast! The basilisk hisses in pain, and turns to stone. The chimera howls and hisses in pain, and slumps down bleeding. The beholder suddenly swells up and explodes in a release of magic! The prismatic dragon shrieks in fury, and dies in a flare of light! The frost hydra topples to the ground, its last head severed. The wraithlord utters a wailing screech, and vanishes! The unholy idol shatters, its evil magic destroyed. The lizard hisses at you, and dies. The mutant spider utters a piercing squeal, and dies. The mind flayer collapses into a puddle of blackish goo. The dark-elf staggers for a moment, then collapses. The drider hisses evilly and its spidery legs curl up around its body. The hordeling screeches violently! The nexus hunter lunges in desperation, and collapses! The planar storm dissipates in a whirling vortex! The terror beast plummets to the ground, dead. The behemoth utters a resounding bellow, falling with a thundering crash! The Lord of the Hunt laughs contemptuously, and vanishes in a flash! The gnome sentry grunts in pain, and keels over. The gnome shaman tries one last spell, but dies! The gnome commander spits up blood, and collapses. The dark-elf shouts for aid, and dies! The dark-elf warlock snarls in pain, and collapses! The royal guard hurls his sword at you in desperation, and dies! The high priestess calls upon her goddess, but is forsaken! The weaponsmaster shrieks in righteous indignation, and collapses! The dark-elf queen shrieks in fury, and vanishes in a shimmering light! The master torturer laughs like a lunatic, and spits up blood! The dark-elf archmage shrieks in fury! The captain of the guard eyes you evilly, and collapses. The obisidan statue shatters into a thousand pieces. The slime serpent curls up and floats to the bottom. The guardian beast shrieks in rage, and collapses with a thud! The slaver falls to the ground with a groan. Good riddance. The guard dog snarls nastily, and dies. The prisoner dies with a contented sigh. The slaver lord hurls his blade at you, and collapses in pain! The wererat squeals in agony, and dies! The wererat shaman shrieks a curse at you, and dies! The wererat champion shrieks in rage, and dies in a bloody spasm! The plague-crafter fumbles for one of its flasks, but falls dead! The slaver leader dies easily, blood spurting from his wounds. Precious treasures spill forth from the chest as it is split open. Priceless treasures spill forth from the silver casket's battered body. The prisoner looks suddenly at peace, as their life escapes them. The fallen angel bursts apart in whirlwind of fire. The wicked old man is consumed in a torrent of dark flame! The shard creature squeals shrilly, and falls dead! The alien monstrosity falls to the ground with an earth-shaking thump! The aurumvorax growls in pain, and falls with a thud. The bandit leader grunts in pain, and doubles over. The dwarf screams, The cleric of Aerdwyne eyes you balefully, and collapses! The gypsy falls to the ground with a curse. The gypsy collapses with a curse. The catoblepas grunts loudly, and falls into the marsh with a splash. The swamp leech dies with a squirt of vile fluid. The crocodile grunts, rolls over in the water, and dies. The giant two-headed troll collapes with a thunderous roar. The black dragon shrieks in rage, rears up, and collapses with a crash! The dwarven guard shouts for aid, clutches his stomach, and falls dead! The gnome cries out in pain, and falls dead. The giant centipede stops moving, black blood leaking from its corpse. The kobold falls to the ground with a shriek! The kobold squeals in rage, and dies! The king of the mountain kobolds shrieks in despair, and falls dead! The barrow wight's robe falls to the ground, suddenly empty. The tortured spirit vanishes quickly, a slight smile on its face. The spectral knight smiles wanly, and dissipates. The spore zombie crumbles to pieces. The pale mushroom crumbles into bits. The myconid collapses with with a puff of spores. The dark-elf harvester falls dead, clutching his precious bag. The salamander shrivels up in a burst of flame. The efreeti roars, and disappears in a whirlwind of fire! The dwarven cleric falls, clutching in agony. The dwarven warrior attempts one last swing, but falls dead! The dwarf falls to the ground, blood spilling from his wounds! The dwarven smith stumbles forward in rage, but falls dead! The royal guard hurls his axe, and falls dead! The dwarven nobleman shouts for the guards, and falls! The ancient sand dragon shrieks, defeated, and flies off over the desert! With a sweep of its tail, the sand dragon knocks you off of the edge! The troglodyte hisses in pain, and falls dead! The rock eater spits up some stones, and falls dead. The margoyle cracks into pieces, which disintegrate! The scorpion shudders and falls dead, leaking black fluid. The black pudding stops moving, its body disrupted and splattered. The giant slug curls up, oozing disgusting slime. The giant worm spews up its meal, and dies. The Kai Master smiles, and leaps into a fighting stance! The quaggoth shudders and roars, then falls dead! The quaggoth hurls its hammer in desperation, and falls dead! The obsidian golem explodes in a shower of shards! The stone elemental crumbles to dust. The gemstone juggernaut crumbles into a pile of gems, which melt away. The duergar spits up blood, and falls dead! The duergar lord clutches a black talisman, and vanishes in a flash! The dwarf's head splits open grotesquely, and a small creature leaps out! The dwarf's form shifts and changes into an amorphous beast! The brain-eater splatters with the final blow. The shapeshifter dissolves into a pile of steaming goo. The winged insectile demon crumples to the ground with a whistling cry. The rotting monstrosity falls dead, oozing out pus and bile. Champion Gudruk snarls at you in fury, and dies spitting up blood! The green slime bursts open with a rancid smell. The red slime bursts into flame, and dissipates in a cloud of steam. The azure slime pops open with the sharp smell of ozone. The white jelly splits open with a disgusting pop. The zombie cat coughs up a hairball, and falls lifelessly. The rot worm pukes up black bile, and dies writhing. The leprous outcast falls dead, clutching spastically at the air. The dark dabbler clutches at his head in pain, and slumps down dead! The thief collapses with a grunt. The smuggler spits up blood, and falls dead! The smuggler boss lunges at you, but trips and falls dead. The half-orc sentry shouts for aid, and falls dead! The orc warrior growls in hatred, and collapses. The orc shaman shrieks in agony, and falls dead! The black orc boss roars in fury, coughs up blood, and falls dead! The fire ant worker collapses, fluid oozing from its carapace. The fire ant soldier snaps at you, stumbles, and is still! The queen ant chitters madly, and collapses! The bandit lord clutches his gut, spits up blood, and falls dead! The dark apprentice is shrouded by a dark aura, and falls dead! The dark mystic shrieks in agony, and bursts into shadowy flames! The dread mystic chants an unholy chant, and steps into the shadows! The flesh golem moans, collapses, and begins to decompose! The ju-ju zombie falls dead, uttering a low moan. The necromancer pleads to the Dark One for aid, and falls dead! The twisted guard froths at the mouth, shrieks, and falls dead! The insane mage cackles in madness, and falls twitching! The madman breaths his last breath, and falls dead. The foul creation falls with a heavy thump. The demonling screeches loudly, and falls oozing slime! The abomination roars in agony, vomits up blood, and dies! The shadow guard fades into nothingness. The lizard stumbles to the ground with a loud crash! The guardian shatters into a thousand pieces! The lizard falls dead to the ground. The demon falls over dead with a loud thud! The lizard falls to the ground with a loud crash! With his dying breath the witchunter swings at you in vain. A look of peace comes over the madman's face as he dies. The zombie explodes in a flurry of body parts! The body parts suddenly combust in a furious explosion! The squid retreats to the depths of the water. The knight falls to the ground, now a pile of bone and metal. The wraith loses its form, and vanishes into the wind! The spectre shrieks in fury, and fades from view! The nekojin hisses in pain and fury, and collapses! The rakshasha rajah screams in frustration, and vanishes! The roc, gravely wounded, screeches and flies off into the sky. The sandworm starts whipping about in pain, then lays still. The dustdevil shudders and vanishes into the sand. The nomad grunts in agony, spits up blood, and falls dead. The high priest shrieks to his god, and falls dead! The spiny tentacle slumps to the ground, and snaps back into the wall. The hideous abomination grunts, and draws back into its hole! The animal-headed man makes a gurgling sound, and falls dead! The undead priest explodes in a shower of dust and bone. The manscorpion hisses in pain, and slumps to the ground. The manscorpion king erupts in a flash of conflicting elements! The hydra falls dead with a thundrous crash! The head slumps down, bleeding and ruined. With a gasp, the pharaoh slumps to the ground, defeated! The pharaoh crumbles into dust. The swirling grey portal folds in upon itself with a groan. The Dao Lord explodes in a shower of energy and matter! The fungus beast regenerates! The druid bows and disappears into an elemental rift! The tasloi villager falls to the ground, his eyes glazed over. The tasloi hunter falls backward, dead. The tasloi chief topples to the ground, dead. The tasloi animal master drops to his knees and falls forward. The giant wasp's wings seize as a death spasm rips through its body. The tasloi shaman gives you an evil look, then dies. The wild spider spasms sharply and its legs curl underneath itself. The trained spider spasms sharply and its legs curl underneath itself. The massive fanged spider spasms sharply and its legs curl underneath. The tasloi warrior slumps to the ground. The cocoon rips open! The electric eel writhes in agony! The albino salamander slumps to the ground, dead. The giant oyster topples over! The giant crab topples over! The river ray collapses, folding its wing-like fins inward! The spider crab shrieks hideously! The lantern fish thrashes about and dies! The parasite bursts open! The crazed priest howls in agony and bursts in to flame! The giant war dog lets out a yelp and dies! The tunnel horror's carapace shatters as it falls dead. The tentacled mass writhes in agony and dies! The storm giant king roars and explodes into a wave of lightning! The storm giant shudders and falls lifeless to the ground! The storm giant commander explodes in a shower of sparks! The stone giant shaman turns to rubble with the killing blow! The stone giant turns ashen as he dies! The stone giant chieftan roars in shock as he turns to stone! Its light extinguished, the giant skeleton turns to dust. With the killing blow, the pyrotrice squeals and turns to ash. The hill giant shaman lets out a yell and falls lifeless. The hill giant falls to the ground with a crash and dies! The hill giant chieftan dies with a resounding thud! The devourer roars in pain, then dies! The aged earth dragon shrieks in rage and explodes! The cockatrice squawks loudly then turns to stone! The slimeworm collapses! The amazon lets out a cry, then falls lifeless. The amazon warrior shrieks in disbelief, then drops to the ground! The amazon shaman emits a shrill cry and falls to the ground. The amazon guard drops to the ground, eyes staring blankly at you. The amazon battle trainer vanishes into a cloud of smoke! The male slave gets a peaceful look, then dies. The gorilla lets out one final grunt and tumbles to the ground. The blood hawk crashes to the ground. The leafling falls to the ground with a thud. The swarm disperses back into the jungle as quickly as it formed. The whipvine retracts back under the ground to await an easier victim. The dae asp drops limply to the ground lifeless. The shadow frog slumps into a lifeless heap. The jeweled viper shatters into millions of pieces. The silver cobra expires with a hiss. The grall emits a final roar and transforms to vapor! The mosses of the zombie explode as its soul is released. The whipvine retracts back under the ground to await an easier victim. The tasloi scout falls backward, dead. The magma golem stops glowing and turns into a pile of ash! The toad lets out a belch of fire, and collapses into a heap. THe pyrogoyle screeches loudly and explodes into a cloud of sulphur! The greater salamander slumps over and bursts into flame. The heads of the pyrimera roar in final agony, then slump forward. The fire knight vanishes, its flame extinguished. The sand crab splits open. The seagull squawks loudly and furiously as its life ends. The green tortoise falls slowly to the ground, and shuts its eyes. The ocean hawk spirals to the ground. The king crab's shell splits open, and he collapses. The giant river turtle's shell cracks open with a loud pop! The behemoth hellhound lets out a monstrous wail, then dies. The mamba dies, its corpse turning to ash and disappears in seconds. The bone warrior falls to the ground in a dismantled heap! The ancestral guardian dissipates into the air! A squawk erupts from the crane spirit as it leaves this world. A hideous howl comes from the flesh ripper as you end its life. A howl erupts from the gorilla spirit as it leaves this world. A squeal erupts from the monkey spirit as it leaves this world. The sahuagin falls down in a bloodied heap. The sahuagin falls down in a bloodied heap. The coral lobster falls dead! A shrill scream fills the air as the brine hag falls to the ground! The merchant curses at you and disappears in a puff of smoke! Sylk shows a wry smile and disappears in a flash of bright light. The deranged priest shouts out some gibberish, falling to the ground dead. The gibbering mage cries out in some unknown language, and falls dead. Putakwa disappears through the bottom of his tub. The orc warlord roars in fury, spits up black blood, and falls dead! The orc captain cries out for his troops, and collapses! The orc warrior slips in his own blood, and falls dead. The orc fanatic dies gurgling on its own froth. The orc trainee falls dead holding its wounds. The nanati lets out a shriek and fades away! The stalker chokes on its last breath and dies! As the nightblade succumbs to death, its body disappears! For a moment the dark mistress looks dazed, then falls to the ground. The ice wraith lets out a frigid moan and vanishes! The master assassin spits up blood and dies! The white dragon lets out a bellow of rage, before falling dead! The lady of the dark lets out a unearthly wail before vanishing! The Enigma Lord grins at you evilly, moving to a fighting stance. The pitiful begger lets out a hacking cough and drops dead The planewalker lets out a shriek and shatters into a thousand pieces. The townsman reaches for you before falling to the ground. The mayor dies with a shocked look on his face. The black cat gives you an evil eye before dying. The gravedigger has a look of peace as he falls, lifeless The traveler begins to change! The farmer lets out a sigh of relief and falls lifeless. The myrmidon crumbles into a bloody heap, clutching at you in vain. The thief spews up blood before dying, his cold eyes fixed on you. His magic vanquished, the warlock becomes a lifeless pile. The magi lets out a gurgle before becoming a pile of black dust. The smell of winter fills your nostrils as the sage dies at your feet. The massive zombie releases an awful stench as it collapses. The boneless zombie falls into a wretched pile of gore. The beast collapses in a heap of broken bones. The scarab vanishes in search of easier pickings. The apparition lets out a howl before it withers into oblivion The wolfman lets out a final anguished howl before collapsing. The vampire snarls at you evilly and flees! The nightshade wails as it turns to dust. With an awful cackle the madman sheds his clothes and vanishes! The undead sphere explodes and a corrupt stench is released. The steed lets out a ghastly shriek and crumbles. The evil horse lets out one last breath of fire before dying. A cry of immense horror escapes the lips of the gypsy. The massive tree shudders and begins to fall! With a wounded howl the beast falls dead at your feet. The macrabe skeleton collapses to the ground, a pile of yellow dust. The bone snake shatters into thousands of pieces. Knowing certain doom, the mist flies with breakneck speed away from harm! Showering you with blood, the ghoul dies in a heap of skin and bones Draka's eyes fill with vengence he lets out a feral hiss and vanishes. The vampire growls at you and turns into a mist! With a cackle the vampire turns into a mist and vanishes! With a horrid shriek the gremlin vanishes in a flash of acrid smoke! The scarecrow's lifeforce vanquished, it turns into a pile of straw. The poor farm animal dies without a sound. The chicken crows one last time before falling dead. The wail of the wretched bird comes forth as it dies in a heap. Uttering a vile curse at you the gypsy falls lifeless at your feet. The white deer sprints away, vanishing from sight! The mighty creation falls into a pile of rubble at your feet. With a howl of divine rage, the ghost vanishes! With a final utterance, the Dark Mage completes his spell! You've failed! The dragon roars in fury, promising you a thousand agonies as it dies! The ninja bows to you silently before vanishing into the smoke. The mayor suddenly screams in agony and becomes a massive beast! The elder inquisitor reaches for you one last time before death. The book abruptly turns to ash. The fisherman limply falls to the ground. The ghost cackles wickedly before vanishing into nothing! The undead creature lets out a gurgling howl. The Dread Captain scowls at you before vanishing into ether. In a flash of darkness the minion vanishes. The animated blade loses its magic, and drops to the ground. The shadow beast shatters into a thousand pieces before vanishing! The sea hag cackles at you before falling back into the water. The waist is sliced in half, splitting its legs! The darkling lets out a sorrowful croak! The nightmare beast lets out a horrid howl and dies in a bloody heap. The weed shrivels up somewhat and stops moving. The zombie splits into a seperate torso and waist! The leg suddenly drops to the ground, entirely lifeless. The arm catches a deadly hit, and falls limply to the ground. The head, split in two, falls to pieces on the ground. The insect chirps one last time before dying. The minion of Blood roars at you in fury as a dark portal swallows him up! The stranglevine stops struggling, signaling its demise. The suit of armour clatters to the floor, but its sword remains! The undead spider gives a hellish shriek and vanishes! The skeleton grins at you wickedly before crumbling into dust. The animated chains shatter, now a mass of rust and broken links. You are rocked by the explosion! With an animal roar, the beast lord falls to your feet in a bloody mess. The golem abruptly falls into a heap of flesh and steel. The prisoner howls with inhuman anger, and leaps into the air! The old man lets out a ragged cough with his dying breath. With a loud roar the bugbear falls to the ground! The wyvern lets out a high pitched roar, and crashes to the floor. The combatant picks up his cloak and nods to you.